martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Blogging Experience

I didn’t have a blog so this experience has been very educational for me (not just in the English area, but in the computer area too). I enjoyed it because it was something new for me; it has let me write some stuff about me and also it has let me know some stuff about my partners. I think that write about different types of thing not just about things related with the career has been fun. And it has been fun because this is other kind of class; we don’t have to be listening some boring class, we just write about stuffs and if we have time we could review some other web sites (like the mail, journals, facebook, etc), but only if we have extra time.
I think this experience has helped me improve my English because I was not used to writing in English, and here I had write every week and do it regularly is important in order to make some progress in a new language. I think this way of doing class is very good because I wrote some post, and when I was wrong about something I got rectifications that helped me to realized what I did wrong y through that I could learned and make things right. On several occasions I had to finish the post at home and that was a little complicated sometimes because I had to read or study for some test.
An advantage of blogging in the English class is that I could practice English very regularly. And helped me to realize what my strong and weak points are, and through that I can improve my English. I highly recommend this mode to make a class, because is not boring, and gave me possibilities to improve my English skills trough a funny way.
See you!!
Bye Bye

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

Hello everyone. This week I am going to talk about what I think would be my ideal job today (but it is likely that in the future I change in mind, since 5 years and a half (maybe more) are absent to go out of the university and to work indeed).
I really want to work at the General Comptroller of the Republic. This is the Institution that is in charge of controlling the State’s Administration. I find this job very interesting because it’s an institution that is independent from the Executive Branch and other government entities, and that makes it an important organization that serves to keep the country stable and legal. I think this is my ideal job because this institution is in charge that the acts of the Public administration are stick to the law and my favorite subject so far is law. (My second option would be to enter to the Diplomatic Academy or to work at the Education Ministry).
I did some research and I found out that only the 4,7 % of the 56% of the people who work at the General Comptroller are public administrators, so It is going to be very hard to find a job there, but I have hope.

martes, 9 de junio de 2009

The Persistence of Memory

I’m going to talk about a paint of Salvador Dali. He was a surrealist Spanish painter who born in 1904 and died in 1989. I really like Dali because his paint is very particular and creative.
The piece of art that I choose is called "The Persistence of Memory” better known as "Melting Clocks ", and it was painted in 1931. I saw this painting for the first time like 4 or 5 years ago at school, I probably saw it before but I don´t remember it. When I first saw it I founded it very weird but also very creative. The painting shows the bay of Port Lligat at dawn, in the bottom appears the sea and a small mountain on the right. The melting clocks represent the memory which over time will be softened.
The original Persistence of Memory remains at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Bye Bye.

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

talk review

Today I am going to talk about the speech that Sir Ken Robinson gave, in which he talked about creativity. The Title of his speech is: do schools kill education? He concluded that they do, because we have to take risk when we want to do something creative, we have to be prepared to make mistakes, and in the school systems the mistakes are the worst thing that can happen. The school system educated people away of their creative capacities.
I think Sir Ken Robinson is absolutely right. The best way to develop creative capacities is through arts, and the schools system (and sometimes we too) underestimates music, theatre, dance, arts in generally. The arts are treated as if they were not important, but they are. Through them we can develop our creativity that helps us to be a more integral human being.
And like he said “we have to rethink the fundamental principles in which we are educating the children”, because this way we will be able to integrate other areas to the education and this way we will be able to develop more integral human beings.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

The Best in our Area

This time we have to talk about the best in our field, and I choose Montesquieu.
He was a French philosopher, born in 1689, which developed the ideas of John Locke about the division of powers, and is one of the most influential thinkers within the history of political ideas.
His theory about the division of powers is exposed in his book “The spirit of laws” and says that the 3 powers of the State (Legislative, executive and judicial) have to be separated each other and his ownership takes charge respectively to the Parliament or Congress, to the Government and the Courts of Justice.
I think Montesquieu´s theory is very important because now the power is not monopolized in a single person, like it used to be, which produces a balance or equilibrium between the three powers that is necessary in order that the State can work in an effective way and that there is no an excess or abuse of power. I also think that his theory is important because it applies in almost every democratic country around the world.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

post correction

Hi everyone.
I am going to talk about my favorite photograph.
It is a picture taken in La Serena, was taken like 6 or 7 years ago in a trip that my whole family and I did.
I think the photograph was taken by my aunt, but I don’t remember it very well.
It shows my dad, my mom, my two siblings and I. We where on the way to El Valle del Elqui and we stop in some lake or something like that, in the background is the lake and some mountains.
I like this photo because the place is very beautiful, i really liked the trip and i like because is all my family in it.
The photo is in my bedroom and I can see it every day. I really like it, It is very beautiful.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

Public Administration

I chose this major because i would like to contribute to our society making some change in the public area. I know it is hard, but I think we all are her because of that.
The professionals in this area have a lot to contribute to society because they have the tools for make some changes for the people who really need it.
A good public administrator has to know a lot of stuff: law, economy, accounting, political science, etc. and treat to apply those subjects for administrate public resources.
My favorite subject is law, because is very interesting and we have not to study a lot of law, just the part how serves to our major. I like economy too, but we have not had a class yet (i have to wait until second year).
I think that a graduate public administrator has all the tools to be part of the State and be really good at that.
Bye bye