This time we have to talk about the best in our field, and I choose Montesquieu.
He was a French philosopher, born in 1689, which developed the ideas of John Locke about the division of powers, and is one of the most influential thinkers within the history of political ideas.
His theory about the division of powers is exposed in his book “The spirit of laws” and says that the 3 powers of the State (Legislative, executive and judicial) have to be separated each other and his ownership takes charge respectively to the Parliament or Congress, to the Government and the Courts of Justice.
I think Montesquieu´s theory is very important because now the power is not monopolized in a single person, like it used to be, which produces a balance or equilibrium between the three powers that is necessary in order that the State can work in an effective way and that there is no an excess or abuse of power. I also think that his theory is important because it applies in almost every democratic country around the world.