martes, 21 de abril de 2009

web site

Hi everyone
I don’t usually visit a web site related whit the career, I just visit the newspaper, because I have a test every Wednesday about current importance events.
I usually visit and because those web sites have all the information that I need, the first one is the web site of the El Mercurio and the second one is of La Nación.
I don’t remember how I found those web sites; I think I saw them somewhere, maybe on the TV or at the street.
I treat to visit and two or three times a day, but some times I can’t.
In those web sites I can found information about anything (sports, international, national, etc).
Those web sites provide me all a the information to do well in the tests and to keep me informed.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi
    I also visited that's two pages especially the web site of the El Mercurio newspaper. It is a good web site.
    See you next class (:

  2. Good website suggestion!

    Don't forget to follow instructions completely:
    - use at least one gerund form and one infinitive form--make them bold!

    I see your infinitive "I treat to visit", but you want to practice using the gerund, too, after another verb:
    I like knowing about things.

    Also, I think you want to say, I *try* to visit
